


101 Tips For Retirement


Francis Duncan


101 Tips for Retirement


The idea for this little book came from a variety of sources following my formal retirement. Several friends and ex-colleagues stated that they were finding the transition from a working to retirement life difficult. Research through both the internet and media helped to confirm this view.

101 Tips (which could be ‘Top Tips’ - I have currently 148) is a light and practical look at quick hints for making retirement a time to fulfill, make and enjoy ambitions in the best of health. The book is divided into 8 categories, each with approximately 17 tips. I envisage the publication as a ‘tip-to-a page’ collection, possibly with the addition of a few illustrations, making an excellent buy. Written in positive language it will make an easy and light hearted reference companion for approx 11 million UK pre/recent retirees, (numbers projected to UK from the Dept. of Work and Pensions England and Wales 2001 census). I see the potential revenue from a small book such as this to be high. If marketed in the US by assuming 400%  of the equivalent UK, population potential total would be 56 million.

    By estimating that possibly 5% of the above would purchase this little book it would generate

approximately 2.8 million sales.

    I have given 4 examples from each of the 8 categories below.


101 tips. Well-being

1. Do some of what you can do well… increases your self esteem and brings satisfaction

2. Give yourself something to look forward to…..and when it’s over, give yourself something else to look forward to

3. Allow yourself the occasional luxury…..chocolates, perfume, bottle of wine... and savour it to become more content

4. Be eccentric.., it’s one of the keys to a longer, happier life. Those who ignore society’s ‘norms’ suffer from lower levels of stress



101 tips. Mental stimulation

1. Improve your memory…. by using word or picture associations to help you remember names, lists etc.

2. If you have a problem to solve, break it down into manageable sections and deal with each one….a problem is quite often an accumulation of different smaller problems

3. Be absorbed in a task or an interest …. you will lose yourself in it, become mentally focused…. and wonder where the time has gone

4. Apply to become part of an invited radio or TV studio audience by contacting your local stations... .and do some research before attending



101 tips. Diet

1. Be saucy….tomato-based sauces are advertised as brimming with an antioxidant that helps to stop cholesterol from building up

2. Eat chocolate….dark and in small amounts. It is said that 50 mg can be as good for you as 6 apples, two glasses of wine or 7 onions

3. Enjoy a glass of red wine…..some medical reports say that red wine helps to raise ‘good’ cholesterol levels which guard against some of the common health risks

4. Eat berry well…..It is believed that 100 gm of any such as cranberries, blackberries, blueberries or tart cherries can stimulate the growth of new brain cells and oxygenate the skin.


101 tips. Extras

1. Walk in green spaces... .a study in Tokyo found that older people living and walking near a green space live longer than those enclosed by concrete

2. Turn tasks into treats…..for example, if you face a long period of waiting, pack a bag with some cake, a flask of coffee, a book (or even a notebook to start your long intended novel!)

3. Consider ‘home sitting’….looking after someone else’s home while they are away….. it’s a bit like a paid holiday and you would be doing someone a favour.

4. Make a list of what helps you in a crisis… that you know where to go, what to do and how to cope if you need to do so in such a situation


101 tips. Money

I. Make sure you know where all your money is…’s all too easy to lose track of some small amounts if in accounts you started years ago

2. Don’t go shopping for food when you are hungry… will buy more than you need!

3. Check your bank balance (s) every month and put any leftover cash -   no matter how little -into a savings account

4. Check out your attic/loft/garage…..and do some research on value or sale of what you are happy to part with


101 tips. Practical Living

1. Be a busy bee….according to one 113 year old, the recipe for a long life is a spoonful of pollen, another of honey, a short walk and a spot of gardening

2. Sort and rearrange your paperwork….and discard what is now obsolete! it might take a while - but you have the time! It’s also sensible to know where everything is

3. Sort your photographs…..this will bring back a wealth of memories

4. Write your CV…..even if you don’t want to work it will give you an idea of the skills and qualities you possess…..and where you might want to target your time and energies


101 tips. Health

I. Be more of a risk taker... .research shows that the bolder you are, the more likely you are to have a healthy brain

2. Always look on the bright side of life... .a 10 year study of attitude and life expectancy has found that positive thinkers increase their chances of a healthy life by 55%

3. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day to give you the maximum benefit (a dog helps!)

4. Be open to new and different things…..medical research has shown that fearful rats have shorter life spans than those more open to flexibility and change



101 tips. Social

1. Help others …..people who give support (emotional and practical) to others, tend to be outward looking, open minded and fulfilled

2. Once a week, go somewhere different…... it needn’t be far…..just far enough to be new to you

3. Be more open in your relationships with others…..research suggests that close friendships develop best if you give something of yourself

4. Consider voluntary work either at home or abroad if you have the time and energy to spend.