


Intrusive Erratics


Eugene Locke


In my work ‘Intrusive Erratics’, I  look into the ancient past of Mankind and put forward a case for there having been waves of civilisation on this planet long before the time of our earliest recorded civilisations. I am going to suggest that mankind probably first walked on this planet 300 million years ago; and I am not talking about ‘Spacemen’, I am talking about mankind having developed on this planet. I am told that is impossible, mankind has only been on this planet for the past two million years, and that modern man - Cro-Magnon Man, has only been around for about 30,000 years.

In support of my arguments I will produce evidence of artefacts and objects that have been discovered in situations where they should not be. Footprints in stone, hundreds of millions of years old. Giants and little people, submerged cities, buried cities, ancient mine systems and quarries, un-deciphered script from the Brazilian jungles similar to un-deciphered script from Easter Island in the Pacific. Remains of modern man found in rock strata, millions of years old; other humanoid remains having a cranial capacity greater than that of mankind today. Myths and legends from our ancient past that record a Golden Age long before our earliest known civilisations;  of an age of Gods who lived in great cities, who could fly, and who had knowledge of all things. Of great catastrophes and terrible wars that wiped much of mankind from the face of the Earth; wars described as one can only describe a Nuclear conflict. Of the advanced knowledge of Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrology at the very beginning of our recorded history. A man who used a razor to shave with 150,000 years ago. Flowers placed with prehistoric burials. Of ancient calendars that had their inception thousands of years before the start of our earliest recorded civilisations. Are certain of the Egyptian pyramids the remains of a previous civilisation’s ’Star Wars Initiative, and were they constructed with man-made reconstituted stone? And much more.

I will look into grey areas of  standing stones, Ley lines, and the power of the mind to move solid objects; I will ask: ‘Are they traces left over from some previous civilisation?’

Intrusive Erratics are objects that should not exist, but they do, and they keep turning up. On 28th October 2004, came news of the discovery of the 18,000 year old remains of a species of  Homo only 3 feet tall. Corroboration of just a small part of my investigation.


Extract from CHAPTER 1.

      I believe a civilisation, or several civilisations have existed on this planet before the birth of our recorded history. Civilisations that have disappeared almost without trace.  Almost, but not quite; certain Tell-tale pointers have been left behind Pointers that for years have been cropping up, very often to the annoyance of historians and archaeologists. I say annoying because their presence does not gel with accepted ideas about our origins.

We are taught that the earliest civilisations of which we are aware flourished in the Middle East in approximately 4000 BC. This is a frontier that is being pushed back all the time with the advent of modern scientific dating techniques. Techniques that have already given an earliest date between 6000 and 7000 BC. for mankind’s oldest known building at Jerrico. But this is still within the scope of our recorded history. I intend to take a leap that will take us back many thousands of years before that time. Before the Flood.  We will explore a grey area of myth, legend, presumption, a few facts, and a lot of detective work.  An employment that I hope will lead to inescapable conclusions.


Extract from CHAPTER 2

It has been said by modern authorities that the oldest recorded date in history is 4242 BC., this being based on the Egyptian Calendar or, rather two calendars. There was an official calendar and a Solar one, both of them beginning on the 1st of the month of Thoth. The official calendar had 365 days, but took no account of Leap Year. Consequently after four years it was a day late. In 28 years it lost a week and in 120 years it lost a month. The Solar calendar was based on the rising of the Dog Star, Sirrus, and was therefore astronomically correct. Thus, after 1460 Solar years and 1461 official years, both calendars would coincide. Such an event is known to have occurred in 139 AD. It is therefore possible, when the rising of the star Sirrus is mentioned in old texts, and the day and the month are given, to work out the date. The earliest date so far worked out is during the reign of the pharaoh Thutmoses the Third, of the 18th Dynasty. He reigned 1490 BC to 1436 BC.

Knowing that both calendars coincided in 139 AD. we therefore know they would have coincided on the previous years as follows: 1322 BC. 2782 BC and 4242BC. We know that the calendar was in use during the time of Thutmoses, so the inception date for the calendar must have been before 1322 BC.  In either 2782 BC. or 4242 BC. Both dates have their champions amongst modern authorities, but we intend to take those two coinciding calendars back into time. They will of course coincide every 1460 years. Eventually we will reach the year 11,542 BC.

The ancient Assyrians had a calendar based on a lunar cycle of 1805 years. A fixed date for this calendar is known to have been in 712 BC.

 Taking the known fixed dates for the Egyptian and Assyrian calendars, and working their cycles backwards, we find that they coincide in 11,542 BC. Can we assume from these calendars that both the ancient Assyrians and the Egyptians had some very good way of recording time. It would appear that they did.  It also shows a degree of settlement as opposed to farming communities. It tends to show that their civilisations go back further than is currently thought. To at least 11,542 BC. and probably a lot longer. The next date, going backwards in history, when the Egyptian and Assyrian calendars would have coincided, would have been in 2,646,842 BC, and then every 2,635, 300 years. I shall return to this aspect of our investigation again in chapter 20.


Extract from CHAPTER 6

Here is an item from the Saturday Herald, Iowa City. 10th April 1967.

             It is a report of the discovery of human remains in the Rocky Point Mine, Gulman, Colorado. Excavators have found human bone at a depth of 400 feet below the surface. The bone was embedded in a silver vein! Geologically the find was estimated to he several million years old. As well as the human bone there was also a 4 inch long well-tempered copper arrowhead

The copper arrowhead is as interesting as the human bone. it tells us that mankind knew how to use metal millions of years ago! We are taught that the earliest copper artefacts  are dated to about 4,000 BC. We shall see copper again and again during the course of our investigation, turning up thousands, even millions of years before it should.  How did those remains get into a vein of silver millions of years ago. Historians and archaeologists have been unable to find an answer, and the find has now been conveniently forgotten. How long before they disappear I wonder?



Extract from CHAPTER 10

               Between 1786 and 1788, extensive quarrying was carried out near Aix-en-Provance, France. The limestone rock was in layers, each layer separated by layers of sand and clay. By the time that the workmen had cut down 40 feet into the ground they had removed 11 layers of rock. Beneath the 11th layer of limestone they came to more sand.  They were in the process of removing this sand when they came across stumps of stone pillars and sections of cut rock, amongst which were some unknown coins, and wooden tools, including hammer-handles that had been petrified to stone with the passing of an untold number of years. Continuing downwards they came to a large wooden board 7 to 8 feet long, and 1 inch thick. Like the wooden tools it was now petrified to stone. The workmen recognised it as a quarryman’s board, similar to the ones they themselves were using. It was even showing the same type of wear across its surface being rounded and having wavy edges. The level of limestone where these artefacts were found is thought to he 300 million years old!