

Rising to Immortality


Sarah Ince



Remembering Our Multidimensional Self.

A Journey of Love and Light into the Heart Flame of God, Shekinah and Christ, through the doorway of your heart, a coded journey may be followed of ascension, through this unique book, to enter the divine worlds, and begin to assist grounding the new frequencies for birthing the New Golden Age on earth. 
 Moving beyond time and space limitations of the third dimension, an opportunity to remember your multidimensional nature is presented within the nine level processes. 
 Rising to Immortality will bring you face to face with the eternal flame and divine truth of love. 
 With Rising to Immortality, Sarah Ince demonstrates her unique and powerful light processes, channeled through her devotional dedication to light evolution. These works are the culmination of intense study with the angels and light masters, and many nights of divine light initiation, offering a world of personal transformation, and potential for planetary shifts, as the light builds.
 Rising to Immortality began its birthing into the physical, following many requests from clients whilst I was facilitating healing sessions, to teach what I could do. In 2002, I began to write the first manual. By September of that year, I taught the first workshops in Scotland, U.K. I continued writing new manuals, which you will see as new chapters, and continued to release the workshops throughout 2003, offering many changes for all workshop participants. The divine energies from God, and the elohim angelics were powerful, and sublime in divine light. At the end of 2003, I took a trip to Israel to work on Chapter eight. During 2004, spirit took me on an intense quest overseas in Turkey, where I traveled the trail of the Churches of the Revelations. Following many isolated hard to reach areas, I completed the work I was destined to accomplish. This included the sacred island of Patmos, to the Church of the Apocalypse. Many divine keys were collected that will be released at the workshops. This book has been a true labor of love, and my gift to you of light.
 I birthed into this world, with deep recollection of divine truth. During my early years, I recall feelings of Atlantis. In my teens the energies of Lemuria were prevalent. I began to meditate at the age of fourteen. Following a failed relationship, I began to seek to understand deeper love via divine love in all the myriad of forms. I firstly began to connect with crystals in 1992, which assisted me bridging to the divine on a more physical feeling level. Following deep heart felt seeking, I began to channel in 1995, following a visitation from Christ at the White Lodge, during a healing. From then on, I received daily guidance to awaken to my abilities as a carrier of a piece of the divine plan. I later found this being to be Kuthumi. I worked intensely on my path for many years, practically in isolation, hermit like, in order to become the purest channel. I hardly read any books or listened to any music. My devotion to my life mission plan was paramount. I visited Kauai in 1998, where a paranormal experience of levitation whereby Gabriel visited me and took me up into Gods light to release all that had been on my long soul journey of past lives, and feel the homecoming. I was changed and ready for service. I began that year to offer divine soul readings and later on etheric healing sessions, to heal to the core of problems. My work with Rising to Immortality began in 2002, and with much dedication, I now offer to you the labor of my works in this book format, that you may share the fruits of my long journey into the light. May this bless your life.
Chapter one: - Truly Ascending, assists you with the coded frequency of ascension, and is the longest chapter, offering liberation of dense thought forms, emotions etc.
Chapter Two: - True Light of God, takes you into the light of God, to strengthen your etheric connection to the divine light of source, enhancing your memory of your divinity.
Chapter Three: - God's Light. Guides you on the frequencies needed to ground the light of God within your physical vehicle, and use this light on the physical plane.
Chapter Four: - Book of Life. From the light you now have anchored within your being, Book of Life guides you how to take these new energies into your immediate environment and the world at large.
Chapter Five: - Teachers guide for those wishing to set up workshops to teach Ascension with the methods contained within this book. Also included are the necessary frequencies for initiation into invoking stronger energy currents to attune students to these energies.
Chapter Six. Genesis Divine Body. The next stage is to look at transfiguration through a regenesis of the body. How to transform and transfigure all the way to a cellular level. Including alchemical divine frequencies for re-creation.
Chapter Seven: - A New World, A New Way. Guides you through transforming your life matrix to carry the new energies for the Seventh Golden Age.
Chapter Eight: - Shekinah Flame - Baptism of Light - new chapter for 2005,now released at workshops in August/September in North Spain at the sacred sites of Garabundal (vision of Mary) and two other major sites:-
Toribio - where the largest piece of the true cross of Jesus rests and Oviedo, where the cloth that covered Jesus face rests in the angel chapel
Igniting the Ascension flame within your being.
Chapter Nine: - Alpha and Omega - transfiguration point. Opening the doorways to the higher realms, and seeding the divine into your being and onto the earth plane.


Exerpts from Shekinah Flame Chapter 8  CREATION

Creation must begin within. In order to manifest externally, it must be within your inner worlds/upper worlds. If you want to manifest something, you must become it first. This seems like a paradox to many. E.g. If I knew how to become it, I would have manifested it already
It is all about drawing in, becoming a sacred weaver. Balancing inner and outer work necessary for soul progression. Firstly, we all have opportunities that are part of our destiny to draw in, that we are particularly magnetic to. Situations our soul wants for us, in order to expand into a more beautiful being, to grow more. There are situations that are destined to reach us, although, of course, it needs our full co-operation. There are thoughts and ways to release, which must happen, to let in the new. Sometimes an old energy could be the exact opposite, so it needs to release in order to let the expanded version enter. E.g. To let more frequencies of the love band of energy in, one must release fear, rejection, etc. etc.
Often we feel new energies within us, as they have to be downloaded to a soul level to manifest in our physical reality. It is very grounding to take note of these energies, to assist the manifestation process, and to help you when/if you ever have problems believing your manifestation into reality. 
The universe brings in many opportunities and gifts of help to assist us in making the highest possible choice. Deep down we always know what we could be doing that would be our highest choice. E.g. This year, I am being guided to let go now of all consensus reality. I had to spend some years getting to know it, to understand those who had problems with it, to guide them from that point. I am now moving into an even deeper state of path cutting than I was at previously. It truly is up to us, it is our lives, and if we follow our passion, our soul, - then the help will present itself once we make a commitment. The universe does need our full energetic participation, via our commitment, in order to begin to provide.
So, the steps are as follows:-
1. Centre, align with your soul and spirit.
2. Feel the well within, and let that  gel , feel the changes as the new enters into soul level. Hold that focus. Journal what it feels like, make that more concrete, but still be open to what that might be meant to manifest as.
3. Begin to relax into the energies, to it is not a strain or stress to create, but a peaceful flow of delightful beautiful energies. Powerful, yes, and maybe you have soul expressions to exercise, that take you out of your comfort zone. It is, though, only in clinging onto the past references that it becomes a strain. Keep in the now, not the future. How does it feel now.
4. Follow external opportunities, again, not feeling rushed.
 Blessings on your joyful living!!