





AUTHORS: Tony Sean Harris and S. A. Childs

Word count 151,055


    Mandrake Randolph is a thirteen year old, star pupil at the Locust Shrub College for high achievers; that is until he encounters the unexpected.

    Suddenly his shocked teachers, parents and close friends are forced to acknowledge a marked difference in his behaviour and attitude. However it is hardly surprising his standards are rapidly declining as Sasheen, his shy, sensitive, thoughtful and most loyal friend discovers. He has fallen under the influence of two of the most unimaginably monstrous and cruel degenerates the Little White Town has ever been unfortunate enough to produce; Noble Narcotic, the vampiric and psychotically insane, government approved GM scientist who is also the chief suspect in many disappearances; and his mischievous, crippled and incompetent accomplice, Corey Coral Crump, the uniquely appalling, fictitious marine. This unrepentant pair of sadists are the cause of even more far-reaching problems and have succeeded in casting an evil, dark spell over the notoriously haunted, recession-ravaged town, causing standards and behaviour to plummet in most of the general populace. Law and order is fading as Noble catches more and more with his addictive, dangerous concoctions and Crump’s profoundly disordered mind, deeply repugnant remarks and bizarre conduct have left the few remaining sane

occupants reeling in disgust and horror.

 Under pressure Sasheen begrudgingly agrees to tag with Mandrake who has been given the promise of paid work from Noble. And so with directions supplied, they make their way to Fork Pudding Palace where they encounter Donnolly, the simple-minded, jovial giant and Timmy Burroughs Bernard Junior, the self professed, beatnik, bohemian poet.

These unique characters have been languishing at Fork Pudding which is run by Chill-cot; the womanising, miserly rogue who is always hungry to exploit anyone who strays into his territory with his many callous and brutal scams. Given half the chance he’d ransom their souls.

Welcome to Fork Pudding Palace.

Will the boys fall prey to Crump; Noble and Chill-cot’s evil ploys or will Donnolly, the placid giant and Timmy, the ineffective and effeminate beatnik, wannabe-poet and younker, protect them from the appallingly malevolent defilers.





Mandrake Randolph emerged from the school building with a sneer on his face and anger in his heart and kicked the double door open, crashing it back hard against the wall. Inside his pockets his fists were clenched and he was muttering to himself irascibly...  



   There was an unusual gleam in Mandrake’s eye today as he walked out, kicking the gravel and sending it flying in all directions. Free of the school restrictions, he now unclenched his hands, pulled them out of his pockets, furiously ripped off his regulation tie, stuffed it into his back pocket and defiantly and roughly dishevelled his hair. Satisfied he reached into his front blazer pocket and pulled out his last stick of chewing gum.

“They didn’t get to confiscate this one,” he muttered, “and when I’ve finished with it, I’ll stick it on old Shacklebottom’s wing mirror and let his tyres down,” he threatened and laughed with a vengeance…



  As he entered the park he didn’t notice Sasheen even though his friend called out and waved to him, instead he swung his arms wildly and raised his chin in the air, trying his best to adopt a military march.

 He attempted to spit on the ground but a gust of wind picked up and it blew back in his face. Momentarily he grimaced, hoping this hadn’t been noticed and strolled straight on by, heading directly towards the two decrepit characters on the bench as if he was on a mission. He appeared to be under some kind of malevolent, barbaric spell. He’d never walked like that before, he wasn’t military minded. Sasheen just shook his head, he didn’t know what was going on; his friend’s behaviour was definitely more bizarre by the day!.. 





“Would you like one of my bite-sized, porker-of-a-pork scratchings? I’ve had a lot of practice using my deadly ruses, they’re deemed potentially fatal and they might leave you bereaved and violently unstable but we need a sordid show, yarr! They’ll toughen you up and give you extra stamina and they’re excellent and authentic tasting, an intoxicating mix of my very own Noblegenic ingredients.”  Noble Narcotic, the master manipulator with the sneery, little upturned nose, schemingly offered Mandrake, as he rummaged around in his ganky pocket…



    Spikes of hatred seeped from Noble’s septic body, contaminating all he came into contact with. He was driven by an uncontrollable passion for inflicting pain. Nothing nice ever came from his switch-blade tongue, unless there was a reason for it and even then he struggled to flatter. There was an unmistakably sinister air about him. His neck cords bulged and his hugely dilated, murderous eyes were cold and expressionless and he stared with an unnerving intensity…



Mandrake nodded as Noble clapped on, leaning back and enjoying the charade. Crump who was incurably insane and a menace to society, got into the swing and began jeering.

“Keep at it lad! You’re a spectacle for all to see and no example for the loser-friendly human race! I’ve played the dutiful husband, I’m gonna’ soak you in my sink until you go all wrinkly, oo-ooh!..”   





“He’ll comply with my insistent demands, I’ll make him swollen and juicy; I’ve got some connoisseur chemicals that intensify the metabolism to help him grow, it’s a lucrative business! I’m going to inflict irreparable damage on him; he’s fresh-faced and woefully uneducated to the perils of my invigorating horror! I’ll torment him for the sheer humour of it, good yarr! I’ve lured him into destruction with the promise of a treat, he’s not wary of my perils; I’m going to savagely maul his corpse!”

“Why eye!” Crump praised, “I’ll whack him with my slipper, stamp on his guts and use his head as a basket ball!”..  





Mandrake and Sasheen eagerly shook the giant hand. Donnolly looked like a 1970’s, B-movie heavy. He was imposingly tall and towered over them, being at least six feet, eight inches in height and a 275 pounder (19 stone 9lbs) in weight. To the boys and most ordinary people, he looked gigantic. His chest was exceptionally huge and his shoulders were immensely broad. His hands were thick and extremely powerful with gnarled knuckles and his jaw line was well-defined and strong. He was truly a bear-like figure with a commanding presence.

“He’s got awesome genetics,” Mandrake whispered.

Sasheen nodded enthusiastically. They were awestruck...  

Chill-cot responded by rubbing the palms of his hands together. His mood vibrantly changed and with it, his expression and fleetingly he smiled.

“And do these newcomers have names?” he asked dryly, looking daggers at Donnolly.

“I’m Mandrake Bumper Bo Randolph,” Mandrake said bravely.

“And I’m Sasheen Bluepetal Flower,” Sasheen added quietly, putting his hand up.

“Hello my sons, welcome to my abode, I’m Chill-cot, the ‘social landlord, vigilante and counsellor!” he said in a voice demanding respect, “Come inside for a cup of tea and a bun,” he offered.

 His eyes reverted back to Donnolly and they hardened and narrowed before he flicked his head to one side... 





Always withdrawn, disorganised and extremely clumsy, Timmy Junior fumbled with the key and with a thin, shaking hand finally slipped it into the lock but finding the door already unlocked, he hissed and put the key back in his pocket.

“Ah typical, such is life, why is it so hard!” he sighed, “Everyday is a major struggle, my life is total chaos man, there’s no sunny, happy ending!”

He then broke into piteous sobs... 





The man called Timmy Junior finally broke off from his maniacal babbling, pushed the door to his caravan open and prepared to make his entrance but he tripped on the top step and fell in awkwardly, catching his head on the side of the cupboard nearby.


“Cor blimey, who took the carpet from under my feet? I thought I was cloaked in a magical force field, well that throws that idea out of like window!” he muttered as his hat fell off and rolled like a wheel to the end of his bed.

Sasheen and Mandrake were quick to come to his aid. They entered the shambolic, infested area and helped him sit up, supporting his back as he leant helplessly and unsteadily against them.

“0’ bedlam, all these lethal confrontations, it’s caused me many a head injury but like, if truth be told, no one can break my indomitable spirit! It’s about re-emerging into this shenanigans of a world and kicking the E.U.’s ass, it’s about all these things!”...