

Latin American Naval Epics and Other Tales

1860 - 1982


William  S.  Hays


Title: Sketches of Ironclad Naval Warfare in South America and other Tales 1861-1982
Or: Latin American Naval Epics and Other Tales 1861-1982
Dedication: To My Great Uncle, Herbert W. Wilson, who is the Spirit of this Book
Jacket: Front: Captain Prat?s Charge: Spine: His Sword Back:
Portrait Mozaic: Müller, Langsdorf Cervera and others?
Copyright William S. Hays
Chapter index:
1) Hampton Roads: Merrimac vs Monitor
2) The Confederate Ship Albemarle
3.) South American Scene: Spain vs Chile and Peru
4.) War of the Triple Alliance: Paraguay vs Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay
5.) Torpedo actions on the Rive Danube and the Black Sea
6.) First Cruise of the Peruvian battleship Huascar: Huascar vs HMS Shah
7.) The War of the Pacific: Chile vs Peru and Bolivia
8.) Civil War in Chile
9.) The Brazilian Civil War
10.) The Franco-German War 1870: Actions off Cuba
11.) Spanish American War in Cuba
12.) The cruise of Admiral Maximilian von Spee
13.) AMC Carmania vs Cap Trafalgar
14.) Coronel: von Spee vs Craddock
15.) The Cruise of SMS Emden
16.) SMS Königsberg
17.) Sturdee vs von Spee: the Battle of the Falklands 1914
18.) The Destruction of SMS Dresden
19.) The Battle of the River Plate 1939
20.) The Battle for the Falklands 1982
21.) Conclusions
a.) Developments in Naval Weaponry
b.) Admiral Lord Cochrane
c.) Admiral Makarov
Index and glossary.
Index of illustrations and maps:
While armed conflict is a violent enforcement of political will, in this book the rights and wrongs of the policies which precipitated the naval actions described are not discussed, although some basic facts as to the causes have been included as general background
where neccessary.
As someone who has never been in the navy and who has no pretensions
as a professional historian what I have tried to do is to put together in this book a contrasting series of largely forgotten naval actions fought since the demise of the fighting sailing ship.