

Blinding Light


Keven Raffelle Folliard



Blinding light is primarily a science fiction/ fantasy novel, constructed around a political thriller. Within the fictional plot the main character is used to investigate many philosophical themes within physics, computer evolution, political and scientific ethics and the human condition. Utilising relevant quotes I wish to provide the reader with an exciting, enjoyable and thought provoking experience. 
The narrative begins with our main character about to commit suicide; he is stopped by the discovery of a dying man (himself). Tom then recounts his story (within which his secrets are encoded) starting with the science of his discovery in instantaneous space travel, through to the realisation that he and all those he loves are in danger unless he divulges his secrets. Finally not wanting malevolent people to use his knowledge, he runs but is tracked down in the wilderness by the use of technology and government power; ultimately returning to the cliff and his dilemma. 



Chapter Sixteen: Ice and Fire, Comes the Storm Part Two.


London’s burning
It was in the year of our lord 1666, 
That upon our great city the beast came to feast.
His fires from hell pierced the earth and the sky,
And signalled the day that many would die.
Excerpt from a poem written in 1669 by an unknown author, presumed a survivor of the Great fire.
A destructive and all consuming inferno had now been created, and so it unfurled itself from the ground its arms of flames being thrust into the sky. It was like a giant waking from its slumbers that hadn’t been fed for one hundred years and the town was its banquet. It would have tottered in its first steps had it not been for the prevailing westerly wind. The incessant wind that was pushing into the fire s back gradually moving it onwards, towards the heart of the town. It could now eat its fill and there would be no one to stop it. Because there was so little land set aside for building within the bowl the houses and other buildings, were built high and tightly packed together. In fact in some places the streets were so narrow that neighbours could shake hands across the gap. Did these people learn nothing from Rome or London, the answer was yes but here necessity came before probity. For the fire giant it just meant that his food had been piled high on the side of the table instead of being spread around it making it harder to eat.
As the ferocious updraft increased the fire was now starting to throw sparks and burning embers hundreds of feet into the sky, but away in the distance Roxanne and Tom slept on oblivious to the giant s progress. The livery was now completely ablaze and the outer walls and roof were starting to flake off like layers of tissue being removed and tossed in the air. The straw inside was glowing white hot now and the large supporting timbers were all charred and gnarled. The cracking from the beams sounded like the snapping of old dry twigs or the breaking of fine crockery, but their volume was slowly rising in intensity as the flames became more angry. Finally the great beams that had held this roof up for more than a century relented and with a series of huge bangs the roof caved into the ground. It was like hearing cannons set off in a 21-gun salute. The whole structure now collapsed in on itself with the force of an earthquake. A deafening roar issued forth as the materials blasted their way into the floor to incinerate whatever lay beneath them. The force of the impact was so great that a huge plume of white-hot embers was ejected into the sky, like debris from a meteor impact crater. The larger red hot pieces went smashing into adjacent buildings whilst the other smaller pieces started slowly coming to settle on the roofs of the other buildings like white hot snowflakes thrown out from hells fiery pit.
The fiery embers landing onto the adjacent roofs were having no effect to start with but then as more and more landed and the heat of the fire approached. So the roofs and boarding that had stood the test of wind and weather for over a century began to succumb to the onslaught of this fiery beast. And so it was, that the town which had nestled for so long, safe in the arms of the mountains, was now being slowly eaten by this insidious predator. Hopping from house to house, following the streets, all the time growing in power and intensity. The narrow streets that had saved its architects on building costs, but now they were creating natural funnels down which the fire could travel. The heat from the flames had now reached a terrible and unquenchable ferocity and its radiant energy so intense that it had become an invisible predator itself. 




The stonework and the bricks that had been used in the construction of some of the more expensive buildings could now be heard cracking and banging with the heat. Inside the shops and houses the remnants of wall hangings and wooden panelling from a forgotten age would just appear too spontaneously combust as the fire approached them. But all the time this insatiable inferno was working its way across the town from west to east with the wind. Devouring everything in its path; hunting for its two intended victims, who were still oblivious to its approach and as yet, half a city away. If they had been awake the sight would have struck them down with terror. For the inferno was now a firestorm sucking in the very air from all the surrounding streets and thrusting its tail high into the sky, a twisting tornado of white-hot flame lashing at all in its path. And within the tornado was the deafening sound from a raging hell of confused and tormented wind and flame.




The fire was like the sea coming in at high tide, nothing created by man was going to hold back the flames that were now lashing at the great oak doors, which marked the front entrance to the church. 
Blocked at this entry point the flames went all about the church now, like a sniffing dog, looking for another way to enter, for nothing was going to abate the onward rush of this fire. 
The body of the church was now filled with chocking, black and flammable vapours. Then there was silence, as if the church required a great gulp of air to stop it from choking, the air rushed in and a wall of flame burst out. With this the prayer books, papers wall hangings and wooden panelling just ignited as if a blowtorch had been held against them. Next it was the turn of the ancient and desiccated roof beams, which caught light in a rush. The flames scurried along their length like flaming rats igniting all behind them as they went. 




All around the city was the thunder of crashing stones, the crackle of burning wood and the crack of explosions from the surrounding rocks. Many of the rocks had been heated as if in a furnace then blown apart with ear shattering and terrifying force. The crescendo of heat, light and sound was now awakening all around it and the firestorm at its centre was sucking in everything from around to feed its appetite. Trees and bushes, furniture and fabrics, buildings and materials, everything that could be sucked up, was. A lethal fuel laden debris field was now spinning around the eye of the storm. 




Onward went the march of the flames, closer and closer to the sleeping innocents, hunted down for being to smart. But why is that your fault? With the likes of Max and Rebecca around our world is a dangerous and evil place and we must always be vigilant against these people. We are the ones with the power now Tom, you see we know about them and they are terrified of exposure. We can tell others and they will be exposed for what they are and eventually shut down. Believe me Tom; through my contacts I have already started that ball rolling. I know you love quotes Tom so remember this one by Edmund Burke  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing . So Tom where do we go to now ?




Our lives are nothing but the now; the past and the future do not exist. Live in this moment or relinquish your desire for existence.
The words on a soldier s gravestone; located in Normandy, France.

