


Katy Coburn and the Mysterious Howlite


Kay McFarlane

A Synopsis


Katy Coburn and the Mysterious Howlite is a magical adventure that sees our young heroine Katy, a trainee witch, embark on a second adventure. Her task this time is to find The Howlite, an ancient and mysterious stone that contains magical powers.
   Katy’s adventure begins when she realises that her powers are returning, but she is somewhat reluctant to become involved in the search, particularly since it will mean her having to face her enemies once again.
   Several unexplained incidents make Katy very uneasy and lead her to believe that she is about to embark on a second mission. Katy has inherited her powers from her Granny Mac, but her first adventure led her into so many difficult and dangerous situations that she is  increasingly wary about undertaking this new task.
   To help overcome her misgivings Madam V transports Katy and her two close friends to The Faculty of Alternative Medicine. Madam V is the head of a group of witches who has previously aided Katy and Katy trusts her implicitly.
   During their visit to the Faculty, Katy and her friends meet Akmana, a warm and friendly wizard who explains to Katy the necessity and urgency of her new task. Katy returns home with her strength and sense of purpose renewed and a determination to succeed in finding the Howlite before it falls into the hands of The Faceless One, an evil wizard whom Katy has encountered before. Long ago the ancient stone is known to have given extra special powers to a wizard named Vincent Cobally. These powers are passed down through the generations and during her search Katy discovers that Vincent is a relative of her Granny Mac’s and therefore of Katy herself.
   However, The Faceless One is not the only one out to thwart Katy’s plans. One of his followers, Nandira, believes that by finding the stone she will fall back in favour with her master, The Faceless One, and therefore she is never far from Katy’s side.
   Katy’s two closest friends, Jack and Lou, join her in her quest. From the outset Lou is reluctant to become involved, but her loyalty to her friends forces her to participate. Jack on the other hand is more than eager to help Katy in her search and at times is the voice of reason to Katy’s nagging doubts. Baroca, a small creature who has the ability to appear in the most unexpected places, also helps Katy in her search.
   Early in the story Katy is shocked to discover that what appears to be a grave is unearthed in her garden during some building work.    As the concrete slab is removed Katy watches in disbelief as a spirit is seen to float out from a small box hidden beneath it. She later discovers that this is the spirit of Vincent Cobally.
   The main action takes place when the trio return to The Faculty of Alternative Medicine. Here they discover that all is not as it seems as they set about their quest for the Howlite. It is made clear to them that part of the compound is out of bounds and a series of unexplained events make Katy highly suspicious of exactly what is going on there.
    Katy also meets several other characters on her return to the Faculty, but she is instantly aware that Akmana, who had so welcomed her previously, is now very unhelpful and almost resentful of her presence. Katy is deeply suspicious as to why he is behaving in this manner but she has no way of knowing the truth until she is confronted with it when she makes her way through a hidden tunnel on the far side of a mysterious lake in her search for the Howlite. The truth shocks her but makes her even more determined to succeed in her quest.
   After encountering and overcoming many attempts to thwart her plans by The Faceless One and Nandira the clues to the Howlite finally lead Katy and her friends to Edinburgh Castle. Here, in the dead of night, the ancient dungeons give up their secret in a spine chilling climax and the search for The Howlite finally ends.


                                                             THE CURSE OF COBALLY

 The woman walked quickly along the dark narrow path, her cloak held tightly around her waist, the hood pulled well across her forehead. She carried her wand in the long pocket inside the cloak, her hand clutching it nervously. She knew he expected answers of which she had none. She trembled at the thought of his reaction. Leaving the path she crossed the stone yard towards the side door. She glanced up at the sky, black with a red moon.  The blood moon, she shuddered.

     Pulling her cloak ever tighter she quickened her pace. Her master awaited her. She shivered at the very thought. Pushing open the unlocked door she climbed the seven steps to the main hall of the castle. The room was in darkness. Only the flickering light from the fire and the shuffle of feet told her they were all there.

     From somewhere, a dim light began to glow revealing the tall figure at the far end of the room. Nervously she looked around and saw their twisted faces glaring at her. Slowly she walked towards the master she adored, yet her fear of him was always there. She knew he had no loyalty to any of his followers.

    “Well Nandira, what have you got to tell us?”  The Faceless One’s voice bellowed across the room.

    “Master,” her voice shook, “The young witch has been approached. She has been told to look for the Howlite.”

    His voice emitted the rage he felt. He walked towards her then drew his wand and pointed it straight at her.

    “Please, please master,” she begged. “She is only a girl, she will never find the Howlite.”

    A loud gasp came from the group in the room.

    The Faceless One turned towards them.

    “She is only a girl,” he mimicked. “What do you say to that? “


    He turned back towards Nandira and then beckoned for one of the group to come forward. A small wizened wizard walked towards them.

    Nandira turned away, unable to look at the twisted face she knew so well. Its skin gathered in rough clumps with one eye positioned much lower than the other. A single ear placed prominently above the head.

    “Look at him Nandira, “The Faceless One screamed.

     She slowly turned her head towards the wizard. Suddenly the Faceless One pointed his wand at her and yelled,


    Her body stiffened, unable to move.

    The Faceless One could barely contain his anger.

    “This, my dear Nandira is what Cobally did to our ancestor, his curse carried down through the generations.” He paused before turning and walking the length of the room. Swinging round he faced the Group.

    “And she tells me it is only a girl! What do you say to that?”

    They all jumped up as their master addressed them. Then in one voice they screamed,

    “Kill the girl witch. Kill her.”

    Then a single voice shouted, “May I speak master?”

    The faceless One nodded.

    “You say the Howlite can make us whole again therefore we must find it before anyone else does. Allow us to help Nandira stop the witch from finding it.”

    “Yes. Yes.” screamed the group.

    Their master walked back towards Nandira. His head lowered as though deep in thought. He lingered for a few seconds in front of her. Nandira waited unable to move. The group watched in silence awaiting his response.

    Slowly he pointed his wand at her and uttered, “Undoto! “

    Nandira’s body relaxed and she turned to face him.

    “You heard their response?” he queried.

    “Yes master,” she whispered.

    Turning towards the others he shouted, “Your time will come after Nandira has completed her work. “

    “Yes master,” they chorused.

    Nandira saw his mouth tightening at the corners, as a cloud of anger rose in his eyes. She knew he was furious. The young witch Katy had defeated him before. He was not going to let it happen again. He spat out words that Nandira didn’t understand. Flames erupted from his mouth before evaporating into the air. With a scream he picked up Nandira and threw her  across the room. She landed close to the fire then struggled to lift herself up.

    “Stay where you are,” he barked as severe pain shot up her left side.

    Slowly he walked towards her then, using his foot, he pushed her closer to the fire. She stared up at him her pale skin flushed, her fear mounting, her body shaking. She stretched out a hand hoping for sympathy but deep down she knew this was pointless. His black eyes were piercing as though into her very soul.

    “I should set Banther on you. Let him finish you off,” he growled.

    A large black creature raised its huge head before opening its mouth, and wailing.

    “No please master I’ve still much work to do.” she pleaded.

    The Faceless One laughed dismissively before pointing his wand at the floor.

    “Openeo!” he yelled.

    A section of the floor opened with a sudden lurch and she found herself falling into the basement. At first all was quiet, almost peaceful. Her eyes shot to a small wooden stairway knowing that it led to the back entrance.

    He had dismissed her. Tears began to run down her face. She had served him well over the years and this was what he had brought her to. Dismissed like an animal, a useless animal. She struggled to her feet before climbing the stairs.

    Once outside she breathed in the cold night air. The trees were dense and towered above her as she stumbled along, twisting and turning with the path. Home, that was all she wanted.

    By the time she reached the cottage she was exhausted. The door flew open at her touch before slamming behind her as she entered. Quickly she locked the door and drew the curtains. Fully clothed she climbed onto the bed and began to cry, great sobs racking her body. Before long she fell into a restless sleep. When she awoke it was still dark. She slid from the bed and went over to the window. Staring out at the darkness she wondered what she could do to prove to her master that she was indispensable. Then, suddenly, it came to her. She had to find The Howlite before the girl witch did. Then and only then would she regain her rightful position beside The Faceless One, her master.

