

The Witnessed Murder by Siobhan Laurie


 On their way to an Academy Awards after party, a group of filmstars hit what they first thought was a small problem, but they soon realise this was no small problem.
With broken down cars and ruined party plans, they make their way to one of the star’s houses.
If having to walk miles in the dead of night on the lonely Scottish moors wasn’t bad enough, hearing a scream, then witnessing a murder that started off a series of tragic events was unimaginable… but it happened!!

Sample: Chapter 3

Jinazan woke up with a banging head, sat up, looked around and saw everyone slumped on the ground unconscious.
Emiron woke up groaning and clutching her bleeding shoulder blade.
"Where are we, Jin?" asked Emiron feebly.
"I dunno Em, are you ok?" questioned Jinazan dragging herself to Emiron.
"No, me shoulder absolutely canes, Christ, it's still bleeding. How long have we been here for?" wondered Emiron out loud.
"Well, according to my watch that idiot tried to kill us on Sunday mornin’ and it's now TUESDAY MORNIN’, that means we've bin knocked out all the way through the journey and here for two days, I can't be believe it, they must have bin injectin’ us all before we woke up!" replied Jinazan shocked.
"What time is it now, Jin?" asked Emiron.
"Nine thirty-two, I'll see if I can wake these lot up, we've gotta get out of here," said Jinazan urgently.
"Dan's wakin’ up!" cried Emiron.
"Right," and Jinazan went up to Dan who constantly groaned and tried to get to his feet, but fell back down again.
"Woah, Christ, what's happened, where are we Jin? Oh my good God , what's happened to the rest, it looks like a bombs hit 'em all?" gasped Dan in shock.
"What, you mean to say you don't remember anything that happened on Sunday mornin’?" frowned Jinazan.
"I do a bit, the bits where the ugly rat held a gun right near me face, oh and the part where Chad got injected and Emiron when she got shot; it's all comin’ back to me, I remember it all now," cried Dan lying down, getting his hair from out of his eyes, they looked so bloodshot, sore and droopy.
"What day is it?" he asked.
"Tuesday; I know," answered Jinazan looking at the shock on Dan's face.
"Is your arm all right after that stupid bloke shot yer?" Jinazan asked out of concern.
"It's sore, but I'll live. The bullet didn't go straight in, it sort of scraped it, but the pain made me think that it was going straight through my arm," Dan told her.
"Well, just be careful with it Dan, we don't want any BIG damage happening with your arm, do we now?" chuckled Jinazan.
"I suppose not, Nurse Jinazan," smirked Dan who was teasing Jinazan in a humorous way, meanwhile, Jinazan giggled merrily, as she slapped Dan on his good arm Dan responded with a laugh.
"Jess, Alex and Nora are just waking up too Jin," perceived Emiron and she went up to Jessie who again started to cry in shock.  Alex rubbed his face and Nora swore so badly that everyone who was awake looked shocked, because they had never heard her swear so blatantly before.
Five minutes later Anwa, Vincent and Chrissie woke up. Vincent started to panic and Dan had to calm him down, Chrissie was moaning and Anwa tried his best not to feel bored and down in the dumps.
"I wonder how much of that stuff that creep put inside Chad?" Anwa thought out loud as everyone looked down at Chad, who was still slumped on the floor.
"Just check his pulse, I don't see him breathing at all," said Jinazan worried.
Dan dragged himself over to where Chad was and checked his pulse.
"He's not breathin’, how much of that stuff did that maniac dose him with?" panicked Dan.
"Do the mouth to mouth thing!" yelled Nora.
"Yeah I will," stuttered Dan and held Chad's chin up, performed mouth to mouth resuscitation twice, then put his hands onto Chad's chest and pressed them vigorously up and down, but it had no effect on Chad whatsoever.
"Keep trying Dan," cried Emiron frantically.
"BLINKIN’  'ELL, come on Chad mate, pull though, come on, don’t fail us now, you can do it," Dan pleaded.
"He's not gonna make it is he?" asked Jessie.
"Don't say things like that Jess, course he's gonna pull through, it's just gonna take time though," responded Nora trying hard to be positive, despite the tears constantly streaming down her puffed up eyes.
"Come on Chad," urged Chrissie.
Dan kept pressing onto Chad's chest, tears also came down Dan's eyes and fell onto Chad's face.
"Do you want me to try, Dan?" asked Jinazan.
"Yeah, cheers Jin ,I don’t think I can take anymore," he replied, Jinazan came across to Chad and started pressing his chest up and down and did mouth to mouth.
Suddenly Chad spluttered, strained his eyes and then shot up like someone had electrocuted him.
"Calm down Chad, it's ok, you're all right," said Jinazan calmly.
She got a fresh tissue from her trouser pocket and wiped the sweat from Chad's face.
"Where am I?" he asked weakly.
"We dunno, can you remember what happened to you?" asked Vincent.
"Yeah, but all I saw was a blurry needle being stabbed into me," he fumed.
"Yer nearly died," said Dan.
"Did I, I probably would have done if you guys weren't 'ere, cheers, you're real mates?" he smiled.
"No problem, but I want to say one thing to yer, never ever scare us like that agen, will yer?" warned Jinazan.
"I'll try not to," grinned Chad.
Suddenly loud footsteps were heard by the group. As they got louder, the group's hearts beated faster and faster until they couldn't get any quicker.
There was a sound of a lock being turned, then the same people from Sunday morning came in, armed with laser guns and shot-guns, they were still mostly kept hidden by their hoods.
Then Jinazan pierced the threatening silence by screeching, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, WHERE ARE WE, WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US?!" but she stopped in terror, as one of the hooded figures pointed their gun at her.
"Calm down Miss Syda, I DON'T want to be overloaded by a massive amount of questions," answered the same man calmly.
"Just tell us man, for Christ's sake, who are you?" Dan asked.
"Seeing as you are so desperate to know, my name is Vladimir Hollocore and yes, I know who you are as well, you starred in that film Fireflame, but you wont be treated like film stars here, it will be more like prisoners," he laughed in a cruel voice.
"Well go on then, name us all if yer can!" scowled Emiron.
"Fine, you're Emiron Forester, er, Daniel Carter, Jinazan Syda..." Jinazan frowned.
"...Chrissie Vladimir...," Chrissie also frowned bitterly.
"...Alex Morston, er, Vincent Scifax, black man Boweska..." Anwa lashed out at him, but Dan and Chad pulled him back. Anwa spat on the ground.
"...Chad Honshafta, cry baby Jessica Amara..." Jessie punched him in the face and Vladimir was taken aback by it.
"....And Nora Russiany," he finished, nursing his nose which was sore and bruised.
"Someone knows their film stars names, oh and you're not only a racist person, you also pull people to pieces, is it so fun doing that?" yelled Jinazan.
Vladimir grabbed her by the back of her neck and whispered dangerously,
"Jin, one of these days you'll wish you'd never said such rubbish things to me, do you understand or should I repeat myself?"
"Yeah, I get yer drift," yelled Jinazan rubbing her neck after Vladimir had let go of her.
"Where are we?" asked Chrissie.
"We're in Frankfurt in Germany, why have you gotta problem with it, cos it's not my fault this place was purposefully built here?" he replied nastily.
"Yeah, I've gotta problem with it, why couldn't they have built it in the North pole or the Sahara desert, now that would have been mint," grinned Dan winding Vladimir up.
"You think you're so bloody funny don't yer, well yer not, that's the most pathetic and immature thing anyone has ever said to me?" scowled Vladimir.

Two people held Dan by his arms, Vladimir got out his gun and pointed it at Dan again.
"Please, not again, is that all you can do, stick yer gun out at people and shoot 'em?" pleaded Dan.
"Oh, so, you don't want the gun do yer, well how about summat else.  Nicklespring, come here?" glared Vladimir and a tall hooded figure came across to Vladimir and spoke in Russian,
"What do you want me to do with him Vlad?"
Dan didn't understand what they were saying and couldn't quite figure out if the person that was speaking was a female or male.
"Kill this man Nicklespring, you know what to do," spat Vladimir also speaking in Russian.
The hooded figure went up to Dan and hummed a sweet song, all of a sudden Dan realised that it was a female and he lowered her hood.
The girl had jet black, short layered hair, a part of it covered all of her right eye. She had contact lenses which made her eyes look purple, green eye shadow on, a little snake-type nose, black lipstick on and a pair of black hoopy earrings in her small ears.
She wore a black velvet dress that draped onto the floor, the sleeves on it were very flappy but most of what she was wearing was covered up by her cloak.
"You're so gorgeous!" gasped Dan plainly not taking his eyes off her.
"DAN, don't take any notice of her, she's gonna kill yer, Dan listen to me, DAN, you brat, if you fall for her, you'll know about it, I'm warnin yer Dan!" screamed Jinazan as she suddenly spotted a little bottle in the girl's left hand. 
Inside it was a clear liquid which Jinazan thought could be some sort of a poison.
The girl touched his lips with her fingers, then she kissed him, lifting the bottle further up, unscrewing the top, then ...